Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ever Editing

            I am new to writing. Not really new, but new to writing where people other than a teacher or professor will be reading my scattered words. I must admit, I would rather be talking. It is easier and comes more than naturally to me. But, God invited me down this writing path and I am eager to see where it leads. So, I write. And I edit.

            For every word I write, I delete at least two. If this was a dance, it would be a great two-step, which I would completely enjoy. But this is writing, and deleting more than you keep is both frustrating and tiring. However, without editing, the jumble of words would be more bewildering than helpful. So, I edit and edit some more. The point of all this deleting and moving of words is simple—I want the message to be clearly received. Without editing, readers would never see the message through the mess.

            As I sat recently editing an especially difficult paragraph, my mind strayed down a reflective path. God edits me daily. He moves things, removes things and adds a special touch here and there. He, as my creator, designed me with a particular plan. I, as the human creation, often allow things to clutter up my life, distracting me from God’s purposes. So, God edits. He deletes activities, people and my agendas as needed. But He also adds beauty with just the right person, just the right activity or just the right circumstance at just the right time.

            Thankfully my written work does not fight back as I edit. The process drains without any extra trouble. Unfortunately, I often cling tightly to edited areas, not wanting change, not wanting to lose anything. But I have discovered the most incredible truth through repeated experiences. God removes for our good and his glory and He adds for our good and his glory. The ultimate truth—God edits perfectly. I just need to let him.

            So, I will agree with Job, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:20).