Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A Spiritual Journey through Israel

This picture was taken from the Mt. of Olives with Jerusalem in the background.
A Spiritual Journey through Israel
As many of you know, Troy and I, along with about 50 other Texans just returned from a trip to Israel. I’m inviting you to join me in my reminiscing, as I carefully probe back through my days in the Holy Land. I believe the time will be well spent, exciting and far less exhausting than the original journey. Each post will include new and fascinating pictures which will help bring the stories alive. So,
Let’s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start. When you read you begin with A, B, C; when you sing you begin with Do, Re, Me; and when you travel through Israel you begin with God’s Word.
Pastor Rob, from Lonestar Cowboy Church was our leader, Billy from Nazereth our guide, Fadi our driver, but God’s Word was the foundation of our trip. Our theme text, Psalm 48, extols God’s majesty and encourages the reader to explore his chosen land. And we did both during our time in Israel. We praised our mighty God and walked about in the land spoken of throughout the pages of our Bibles.
Our itinerary had little breathing room. Before the rooster even thought to crow, we were up, fed and on the bus, yawning from jet lag, but eager for the day’s exploration. I am just as eager to revisit these sites with you. Stay tuned… we begin on the Mt. of Olives, a very good place to start.
What all happened here? And why is it now a massive graveyard? Just a few of the topics for our next discussion.
 This is Billy & Fadi! The best possible team to lead us on our journey. Very thankful for these 2 guys!