Thursday, March 20, 2014

When your Child is Sick

That dreaded call from the school nurse. “She’s sick.” “He fell.” “We aren't sure what happened, but…” Of course we rush to the school, wondering just how bad it really is, secretly hoping our darling child is just trying to get out of class.
When our child hurts, we hurt. Their tears are like spikes falling on our hearts. We want them fixed, no pain, and back to normal. Price isn't considered, time has stopped so that isn't a concern. Our only priority is seeing our child well.
I have several friends living out this nightmare right now. Ambulance rides, hospital stays, doctors with names and specialties we could never pronounce, and most important, a miserable, hurting child.
As mothers we would gladly take their place, but that option has not been given. So we wait, we comfort, we pray. And then we repeat and do it all over again. As many times as needed and then a few more times just to be safe.
Details pour in via text throughout the day from my friends. I feel helpless and I ache for them. As I continually go to my Father’s throne of grace I am reminded that He to is a parent. He understands. He hurts with us. He let his only son come to earth knowing he would be physically brutalized.  His son begged him to find another way, yet the crucifixion happen.
What does this say about our God? Didn't he love his son? Why would he let him go through that?
The answer to those questions is both humbling and overwhelming.
He loves us that much.
I can not begin to imagine loving anyone enough to allow my child to go through what Jesus went through. God’s love is beyond our understanding yet it is the very place where we learn to both love and receive love.
My prayer today for me and my friends, let us grasp just a piece of how deeply and completely God loves us.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son.”

May these words fall fresh and new on our ears and hearts today.