Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Mount of Olives

The Chapel of the Ascension
2684 feet high, east of Jerusalem and presently holds about 150,000 graves—The Mount of Olives. It is mentioned by name 14 times in the Bible; twice in the Old Testament and 12 times in the New Testament. However, Biblical writers often just reference the site as the mount east of Jerusalem.
Some of the graves on the mount.

Friday April 24, 2015 found me atop the Mount of Olives. The wind blustered furiously and the cold assaulted our group. But it would take more than wind and cold to squelch burning curiosity and excitement.

This mount holds such history, it has witnessed both moments of triumph and defeat. King David stopped here to weep while fleeing Jerusalem when Absalom staged a coup. King Josiah tore down idols which stood on this mount. Jesus pauses here to mourn for Jerusalem before he mounts a young donkey for his triumphant entry into the city (Palm Sunday). On the night of his betrayal, Jesus spends time here with his followers before continuing on to the Garden of Gethsemane (located near the base of the mount). And finally, Jesus ascends from here and scripture tells us he will return here and the mount will be split in two, one side moving south, the other north (Zechariah 14:4).

As we walked down this mount our guide asked, “Why did Jesus chose to ride a donkey? Why not a horse?”

Well, as we were with a large group of cowboys, the question seemed both appropriate and obvious. Donkeys are more sure footed, less risk of falling on the rugged terrain. Imagine our surprise to find we, the Texans, well versed in horse logic, were wrong. In the Jewish culture the donkey is the symbol for peace. Jesus made a statement with his choice of ride. He, the Prince of Peace, entered Jerusalem offering peace through the sacrifice of his life. He purchased our peace with his blood.

However, when he returns he will come riding a horse, the symbol for war. He will wage war against Satan and those who stand with him and he will reign victorious!

Everything matters. God specializes in the details. And the beauty of these entry choices leaves me awe struck at his incredible love for mankind. First he offers peace at an incredible cost, and withholds war, not wanting any to perish. The war will come, but his patience holds it off for now.

Much to think about as I descended this mount and now as I recall the unforgettable time spent there.


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